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Jesus Source of Life Eternal

1. Jesus! Source of life eternal,
Jesus! Author of our breath
Victor o�er the hosts infernal.
By defeat, and shame, and death.
Thou through deepest tribulation
Deigned to pass for our salvation:
Thousand, thousand praises be,
Lord of Glory, unto Thee.

2. Thou, O Son of God, wert bearing
Cruel mockings, hatred, scorn;
Thou, the King of Glory, wearing,
For our sake, the crown of thorn;
Dying, Thou didst us deliver
From the chains of sin for ever:
Thousand, thousand praises be,
Precious Saviour, unto Thee.

3. All the shame
men heaped upon Thee,
Thou didst patiently endure;
Not the pains of death too bitter,
Our redemption to procure.
Wondrous Thy humiliation
To accomplish our salvation:
Thousand, thousand praises be,
Precious Saviour, unto Thee.

4. Heartfelt praise and adoration,
Saviour, thus to Thee we give;
For Thy life humiliation,
For Thy death, whereby we live.
All the grief Thou wert enduring,
All the bliss Thou wert securing:
Evermore the theme shall be
Of thanksgivings, Lord, to Thee.



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