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It Satisfies My Soul

For me the blessed Savior came,
His great salvation to proclaim;
Oh, glory to His precious name!
It satisfies my soul.

It satisfies my soul,
It satisfies my soul;
This wonderful salvation,
How it satisfies my soul!

Salvation is unmeasured grace,
It fits us for the Christian race,
Unveils the Father�s smiling face,
It satisfies my soul.

Salvation brings supreme delight,
It changes darkness into light,
And makes the Christian pathway bright,
It satisfies my soul.

Salvation brings abiding peace,
Its shining glories e�er increase;
Its flowing rivers never cease,
It satisfies my soul.

Salvation makes us happy here,
Surpassing all the earth holds dear,
And fills the drooping heart with cheer,
It satisfies my soul.

Salvation richer far than gold,
Than glitt�ring gems that turn to mold;
Its wealth no language e�er has told,
It satisfies my soul.



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