Hear the footsteps of Jesus,
He is now passing by,
Bearing balm for the wounded,
Healing all who apply;
As He spake to the suff�rer
Who lay at the pool,
He is saying this moment,
�Wilt thou be made whole?�Refrain
Wilt thou be made whole?
Wilt thou be made whole?
O come, weary suff�rer,
O come, sin-sick soul;
See the life-stream is flowing,
See the cleansing waves roll,
Step into the current and thou shalt be whole.
�Tis the voice of that Savior,
Whose merciful call
Freely offers salvation
To one and to all;
He is now beck�ning to Him
Each sin-tainted soul,
And lovingly asking,
�Wilt thou be made whole?�
Are you halting and struggling,
Overpowr�d by your sin,
While the waters are troubled
Can you not enter in?
Lo, the Savior stands waiting
To strengthen your soul;
He is earnestly pleading,
�Wilt thou be made whole?�
Bless�d Savior, assist us
To rest on Thy Word;
Let the soul healing power
On us now be outpoured;
Wash away every sin-spot,
Take perfect control,
Say to each trusting spirit,
�Thy faith makes thee whole.�
Refrain |