Savior, where Thou leadest,
We will follow Thee;
Where Thy lambs Thou feedest,
We will follow Thee;
By Thy loving smile attended,
By Thy gentle hand defended,
Till this mortal life is ended,
We will follow Thee.
In our childhood�s morning,
We will follow Thee;
We have heard Thy warning,
We will follow Thee;
If our feet are sometimes weary,
And the way seems long and dreary,
Thou wilt speak and we will hear Thee,
We will follow Thee.
In our joy and gladness,
We will follow Thee;
In our times of sadness,
We will follow Thee;
Thou wilt give us, without measure,
Richest blessings, purest pleasure,
And in Heav�n, a priceless treasure.
We will follow Thee.