We wait for a great and glorious day,
As many as love the Lord,
When shadows shall flee, and clouds pass away,
And weeping no more be heard.
O wonderful day, that soon may be here!
O beautiful hope, the pilgrim to cheer!
Thy coming we hail in tuneful accord,
Thou glorious day of Christ, our Lord.
In glory and pow�r our King shall appear,
And call to Himself His own;
No distance, nor death shall part them as here,
Nor sin, with its pains, be known.
For crosses we�ve born then crowns will be giv�n,
For tempests, eternal calm;
For pathway of thorns, rich mansions in Heav�n,
For warfare, the victor�s palm.
We know not the day, we know not the hour,
When sounds the last trump so clear;
But loud rings a cry from truth�s lofty tower,
�The day of the Lord is near.�