We cannot build alone; to rear, great God, to Thee,
A house which Thou wilt own, Thou must the builder be.
Not by our might, but Thy power,
Must dome and tower take upward flight,
Must dome and tower take upward flight.
Were all the stones that lie
unquarried �neath the sod
Piled up against the sky, it were not worthy God.
To make this dear, Lord, condescend
Thy head to bend and enter here,
Thy head to bend and enter here.
Let faith here rear to God! Here love erect her thrones!
A house for Thine abode be built of lively stones!
We do not err, O Holy Ghost!
Pure hearts Thou dost to fanes prefer,
Pure hearts Thou dost to fanes prefer.
The heavenly only stands: Earth briefly typifies
The House not made with hands, eternal in the skies�
We see its towers: how sweet to know,
When hence we go, that House is ours!
When hence we go, that House is ours!