Victory is Nigh
Marching on to battle �gainst the hosts of wrong,
Following our Captain with a happy song,
Heeding not the many who are loit�ring by,
For victory is nigh, yes, victory is nigh.
Victory is nigh! yes, victory is nigh!
Shout with voice triumphant to the vaulted sky;
Victory is nigh! yes, victory is nigh!
We will win the battle for the King on high.
Shouting loud hosannas as we onward go,
With determination sin to overthrow;
Satan�s hosts are trembling, foes before us fly,
For victory is nigh, yes, victory is nigh.
�Volunteers are wanted,� hear the Master say,
Will you be enlisted in the mighty fray?
Ev�ry Christian answer, saying, �Here am I,�
Then victory is nigh, yes, victory is nigh.
Faithful to your duty, halt not by the way,
Keep the banner floating for the King alway,
Great reward He�ll give His soldiers by and by,
For victory is nigh, yes, victory is nigh.
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