Under the Precious Blood
I�m under the blood of Emanuel�s cross,
Happy in Jesus my Lord;
I count the vain treasures of earth as but loss,
Under the precious blood.
Under the blood, under the blood,
Heaven so freely gave;
Under the blood, under the blood,
Blood of the Mighty to save.
I�m under the blood of the crucified One,
Saved from the power of sin;
Rejoicing in glory the victory won,
Under the precious blood.
I�m under the blood that was shed on the tree,
Cleansed in the river divine;
I�m sanctified wholly, forever to be
Under the precious blood.
I�m under the blood that preserves from all sin,
Walking in wonderful light;
Soon heaven will open to welcome me in,
Under the precious blood.
I�m under the blood, and to Jesus I bring
Honor and glory divine;
Soon with the redeemed of all ages I�ll sing,
Saved by the precious blood.
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