Too
late?
Ah,
no,
the
pulse
of
life
still
throbs
within
thy
breast;
And
while
that
bless�d
spark
remains,
thy
soul
may
find
a
rest.
The
Lord
in
mercy
spares
thee
yet,
His
love
to
thee
is
great;
But
do
not
tempt
that
love
too
far,
or
it
may
be
too
late.
Refrain
Too
late,
too
late,
Soon
�twill
be
too
late;
Too
late,
too
late,
Soon
�twill
be
too
late.
He
stands,
He
knocks,
He
calls,
He
waits,
He
tarries
at
thy
heart;
Canst
thou
reject
His
gracious
call?
And
wilt
thou
say
depart?
O,
think
on
what
a
slender
thread
this
moment
hangs
thy
fate;
Arise�admit
thy
heav�nly
Guest,
or
it
may
be
too
late.
Refrain
Behold
His
hands,
His
bleeding
side,
His
crown
of
thorns
behold!
And
let
His
arms,
extended
wide,
Thy
trembling
form
enfold.
His
mercy
lengthens
out
thy
days,
His
love
to
thee
is
great;
O,
do
not
tempt
that
love
too
far,
or
it
may
be
too
late.
Refrain