'Twas a Glad Day When Jesus Found Me
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The Two Views

To man, it seemed that Evil had prevailed,
That His fair life had altogether failed,
And naught was left but what the Cross impaled�
But God saw otherwise!

They would have hailed Him King, and with acclaim,
Upon the wings of His far reaching fame,
Have swept the land like a devouring flame;
But God saw otherwise!

It seemed as though His life had gone for naught�
Nothing to show for that long battle fought,
But a pale prisoner to the gibbet brought�
But God saw otherwise!

No lasting good seemed ever like to come
Of all His sowing�neither fruit nor bloom,
Instead�a felon�s cross, an alien tomb�
But God saw otherwise!

We, too, at times, come nigh to lose our hope,
When with life�s evils we no more can cope,
And in the dark with heavy hearts we grope;
But God saw otherwise!



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