- Why stand ye all day idle? The harvest time is here,
Behold, with flaming sickle the reapers gather near;
Oh, hear the earnest pleadings which come from every land,
�Lord, send us gospel workers, to lend a helping hand.�
- Refrain:
Oh, who will go for Jesus across the stormy wave,
And o�er the rugged mountains, some precious soul to save?
Oh, who will go in highways, and in the haunts of sin,
With messages from heaven, and gently lead them in?
- Why stand ye all day idle? The lab�rers are so few,
The harvest is increasing, and there�s so much to do;
The Master calls for workers, then, brother hear the cry,
Go quickly join the reapers, and in His service die.
- Why stand ye all day idle? The sun is sinking fast,
The day will soon be over, the harvest time be past;
Go work today for Jesus, bring in the golden sheaves,
And in the day of crowning, a penny you�ll receive.
- No, I shall not be idle, Lord, here am I, send me,
I care not how You use me, I care not where it be;
Content with this assurance, that I�m in Thy employ,
Then gath�ring souls for Jesus shall be my greatest joy.