- The Lord of the harvest is calling
For laborers true in His field,
To gather the sheaves ere they perish,
When mercy no more is revealed;
We bask in the sunlight of glory,
On heavenly manna we�re fed,
While souls o�er the ocean, in darkness,
Are starving for life-giving bread.
- Refrain:
They perish, they perish,
Yet Jesus to save them has died;
Go pay them the debt that we owe them,
Those souls who in darkness abide.
- The Savior hath given us freely
Salvation and grace through His name,
He bids us to publish His gospel,
Its words to all creatures proclaim;
We�re debtors to those who are dying,
And never its power have known;
Can we who so richly are favored
Still leave them to perish alone?
- When taking His word to the lost ones,
It is not a gift we bestow:
By working and praying and giving,
We pay but the debt that we owe;
If millions are lost at the judgment,
Their cries shall our conscience upbraid,
Because when their souls we could rescue,
Our debt unto them was not paid.
- Much grain now is falling ungathered,
While many stand idle and wait;
The harvest time soon will be ended,
For garnering then �tis too late;
O soul, prove thy love to the Savior,
For what He has done unto thee,
By sending the tidings of mercy
To lost ones o�er land and o�er sea.