The Church of God is stablished
Through Jesus Christ our Lord,
Indwelt by Christ all glorious
With Christ she shall accord.
The sweetness of Christ�s spirit
Within her life endures,
And to the weary nations
God�s day of peace ensures.
The Church of God enshrineth
Whate�er true men hold dear,
And with her strength doth cherish
The visions of the seer.
The patience of Christ�s spirit
Within her heart abides,
To hope she still doth witness,
Whatever ill betides.
The Church of God increaseth
Through sacrifice and pain;
Through travail and through sorrow
She makes her constant gain.
The passion of Christ�s spirit
Ne�er from the Church shall die;
Love shall the sin-vexed peoples
Redeem and sanctify.
The Church of God endureth,
Though vexed with inward strife;
To God�s sure end she moveth
For Christ is her true life.
The power of Christ�s strong spirit
The Church shall unify,
When, all names lost in One Name,
The kingdom draweth nigh.