The bells of hope are ringing,
O�er all the world today,
And countless voices singing
Join in the happy lay;
The world is full of gladness,
For hope today was born,
When Christ, the King of glory
Arose on Easter morn.
Ring out, ye merry, merry bells,
Good news to all you bring;
Ring out, ring out, your happy chiming tells
Of Christ our risen King.
The bells of hope are ringing,
All Nature�s bright and gay;
She comes from death of winter
Resplendent on her way;
So help us, Heav�nly Father,
To count all sin as dead,
And grow with quickened purpose
In Christ our living Head.
The bells of hope are ringing;
O saddened heart, now sing,
For cruel Death is vanquished,
And Christ is risen�King.
The grave could not retain Him,
Nor prove its boasted might,
He burst the bands asunder
And reigns in deathless light.