Terrible God, that reign�st on high,
How awful is Thy thund�ring hand!
Thy fiery bolts, how fierce they fly!
Nor can all earth or hell withstand.
the old rebel angels knew,
And Satan fell beneath Thy frown;
Thine arrows struck the traitor through,
And weighty vengeance sunk him down.
This Sodom felt, and feels it still,
And roars beneath th�eternal load:
�With endless burnings who can dwell?
Or bear the fury of a God?�
Tremble ye sinners, and submit,
Throw down your arms before His throne;
Bend your heads low beneath His feet,
Or His strong hand shall crush you down.
And ye, bless�d saints, that love Him too,
With rev�rence bow before His Name;
Thus all His heav�nly servants do:
God is a bright and burning flame.