Tell the bless�d tidings, children of the King,
With your glad hosannas make the morning ring:
Songs of His salvation, nevermore should cease;
Crown Him with your praises, hail Him Prince of Peace!
Round His throne of triumph happy hosts attend,
His the power and glory, kingdom without end.
Tell the
bless�d tidings, ye whose ears have heard;
Tell it to the captives waiting for His Word:
Tell the hungry nations, longing to be fed,
Of the living water and the heav�nly bread.
Mighty to deliver, tender Guide and Friend,
His the power and glory, kingdom without end.
Bear the bless�d tidings, over land and sea;
Lo, the morning breaketh, and the shadows flee!
Whosoever heareth, speed the news along,
Join with men and angels, in salvation�s song.
Christ the world�s Redeemer, Savior, Guide and Friend!
Thine the power and glory, kingdom without end!