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Soul what return has God

1. Soul, what return has God, thy Savior,
For all He gives thee day by day?
Oh, hast thou in thy gift a favor
That can delight and please Him?--Say!
The best of offerings He requires:
Thy heart it is that He desires.

2. Give unto God thy heart's affection,
Who else can claim thee as His own?
Should Satan hold thee in subjection?
With him but pangs of hell are known.
To Thee alone, O Lord divine,
My heart and all I now resign.

3. Accept the gift which Thou requirest,
My heart and soul, O gracious God,
The first-fruits Thou so much desirest,
For which Thy Son paid with His blood.
To Thee I willingly assign
My heart, dear Lord, for it is Thine.

4. Whom should I give my heart's affection
But Thee, who gavest Thine to faith?
Thy fervent love is my protection;
Lord, Thou hast loved me unto death.
My heart with Thine shall ever be
One heart throughout eternity.


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