Son of God, if Thy Free Grace
Son of God, if thy free grace
Again has raised me up,
Called me still to seek thy face,
And given me back my hope:
Still thy timely help afford,
And all thy loving kindness show:
Keep me, keep me, gracious Lord,
And never let me go!
By me, O my Saviour, stand
In sore temptation's hour;
Save me with thine outstretched hand,
And show forth all thy power;
O be mindful of thy word,
Thy all-sufficient grace bestow:
Keep me, keep me, gracious Lord,
And never let me go!
Give me, Lord, a holy fear,
And fix it in my heart,
That I may from evil near
With timely care depart;
Sin be more than hell abhorred;
Till thou destroy the tyrant foe,
Keep me, keep me, gracious Lord,
And never let me go!
Never let me leave thy breast,
From thee, my Saviour, stray;
Thou art my support and rest,
My true and living Way;
My exceeding great reward,
In heav'n above, and earth below:
Keep me, keep me, gracious Lord,
And never let me go!
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