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Son of a Virgin

Son of a Virgin, Maker of thy Mother,
thou, Rod and Blossom from a Stem unstain�d,
now while a virgin fair of fame we honor,
hear our devotion!

Lo, on thy handmaid fell a twofold blessing,
who, in her body vanquishing the weakness,
in that same body, grace from heaven obtaining,
bore the world witness.

Death, nor the rending pains of death appalled her;
bondage and torment found her undefeated:
so by the shedding of her life attained she
heavenly guerdon.

Fountain of mercy, hear the prayers she offers;
purge our offenses, pardon our transgressions,
so that hereafter we to thee may render
praise with thanksgiving.

Thou, the All-Father, thou the One-Begotten,
thou Holy Spirit, Three in One co-equal,
glory be henceforth thine through all the ages,
world without ending.


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