Shining out of darkness, came the Christmas time,
With light sublime, with light sublime;
Glory-light from Heaven thrilled the sleeping earth,
The holy night of Jesus� birth.
Memories of that glory seem to linger still�
To linger still, o�er vale and hill;
Stars of Christmas ever seem more bright, more clear,
Than any star throughout the year.
Glory-light came streaming from the court of Heav�n
When Christ�God�s gift to earth�was giv�n;
Shining Christmas tapers, gleam in every clime,
In memory of that Light sublime.
Shining o�er the manger where the Christ Child slept,
A star most bright its vigil kept;
Seen afar, all silently it showed the world
The banner fair of love unfurled.
Wondrous star of Bethle�em town, so large, so bright,
O guiding light! O guiding light!
Lead us all to seek the King of kings tonight;
Thou guiding star so bright, so bright!
Shepherds on the hillside heard a mighty voice,
A voice that bade the world rejoice;
�Fear not!� rang the message! ring it out again!
The angels brought good news to men.
�Glory in the highest!� hosts of angels sang,
Till all the courts of Heaven rang;
�Glory in the highest!� how it echoes still
That cradle song of Bethle�em�s hill.