Ring, Happy Bells
Ring, happy bells of Easter time,
The world is glad to hear your chime;
Across wide fields of melting snow
The winds of summer softly blow,
And birds and streams repeat the chime
Of Easter time, of Easter time:
The world is glad to hear your chime;
Ring, happy bells of Easter time!
Ring, happy bells of Easter time,
The world takes up your chant sublime;
The Lord is risen, the night of fear
Has passed away and heaven draws near:
We breathe the air of that blest clime,
At Easter time, at Easter time:
Ring, happy bells of Easter time,
Our happy hearts give back your chime;
The Lord is risen, we die no more:
He opens wide the heavenly door;
He meets us, while to Him we climb,
At Easter time, at Easter time:
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