Return to Bless my Waiting Eyes
Return to bless my waiting eyes,
And cheer my mourning heart, O Lord!
Without Thee, all beneath the skies
No real pleasure can afford.
When Thy loved presence meets my sight,
It softens care, and sweetens toil;
The sun shines forth with double light,
The whole creation wears a smile.
Upon thine arm of love I rest,
Thy gracious voice forbids my fear;
No storms disturb my peaceful breast,
No foes assault when Thou art near.
But ah! since Thou hast been away,
Nothing but trouble have I known;
And Satan marks me for his prey
Because he sees me left alone.
My sun is hid, my comforts lost,
My graces droop, my sins revive;
Distressed, dismayed, and tempest tossed,
My soul is only just alive!
Lord, hear my cry and come again!
Put all mine enemies to shame,
And let them see, �tis not in vain
That I have trusted in Thy Name.
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