Return O Wanderer, to Thy Home
Return, O wanderer, to thy home,
Thy Father calls for thee;
No longer now an exile roam,
In guilt and misery:
Return, return!
Too long the loathsome fields of sin
Thy fruitless toil have known:
No wholesome bread! no voice of kin!
No home to call thine own!
Return, return!
Thy Father stands with outstretched hands,
He gave His Son for thee:
Poor soul, from sin�s enthralling bands
He longs to see thee free.
Return, return!
Arise, stand up and homeward turn,
No longer dwell apart;
His mighty love will never spurn
One humble contrite heart.
Return, return!
Our Father�s house is full of bliss,
And there is room for all;
He welcomes with forgiving kiss:
O, hear His loving call!
Return, return!
The feast of joys awaits thee there,
The precious robe and ring;
O haste Thy Father�s gifts to share,
O haste His praise to sing:
Return, return!
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