Rejoice today
Rejoice today with glad accord,
For Christ, the Lord, is come:
Fulfill�d the prophetic word,
In David�s Bethlehem.
For unto us a Child is born;
To us a Son is given;
To raise our fallen nature up,
And make us heirs of Heav�n.
Behold Him in a manger laid:
A helpless little One;
For Whom Judea�s mothers prayed;
The long expected Son.
No earthly pomp surrounds His bed,
His home no pillared hall:
They had not where to lay His head,
Save in the cattle stall.
The King of Heav�n� the Prince of Life,
Assumes a mortal frame;
He comes to enter into strife,
To weave immortal fame.
His weapons truth and righteousness;
The cause the good of all,
The helpless sons of Adam�s race,
The ruined by the fall.
Hail, glorious Prince! Hail, bless�d Son!
On this Thy natal day
Let love and peace untrammeled run,
O�er all the earth hold sway,
Till human passion, sin, and wrongs,
Are numbered with the past,
And earth with her ten thousand tongues,
Shall praise Thee �First and Last.�
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