Rejoice Forevermore
From my soul and all within,
Let eternal music spring;
Melodies of love and gratitude,
To our Father�s name above,
And the Son of heaven�s love,
Who hath made in us His sweet abode.
Oh, rejoice forevermore,
For He�s washed our garments white;
Oh, rejoice forevermore,
In this blessed evening light.
In our happy souls a voice
Bids us evermore rejoice,
And again rejoice, ye royal seed!
Oh, we cannot cease to sing
Praises to our heav�nly King,
For the love of God we feel indeed.
Hallelujah! we are free,
Children of the jubilee,
And we�ll sound the golden harps of God;
All is bright, supernal day,
And our tears are wiped away,
Through the precious all-atoning blood
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