Praise our Savior, in our measure
Praise our Savior, in our measure,
Sound aloud His wondrous Name;
Gladly singing, praises bringing,
Heart and voice His love proclaim.
Praise Him! Praise Him!
Praise, oh, praise Him in our singing.
Savior! Savior!
Hear, oh, hear our praises ringing!
Shout, shout, in notes more loud,
Praise Him! Praise Him!
Shout, shout, in notes more loud,
Praise Him! Praise Him!
Send His story, spread His glory,
To the earth�s remotest bound;
Tell the tidings�gracious tidings�
Where a sinful soul is found.
Worship, honor, strength and blessing,
Be to Him forever paid;
Love increasing, thanks unceasing,
For the life His death hath made.
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