Pilgrim burdened
Pilgrim, burdened with thy sin,
Come the way to Zion�s gate:
There, till mercy lets thee in,
Knock, and weep, and watch, and wait.
Knock�He knows the sinner�s cry;
Weep�He loves the mourner�s tears;
Watch, for saving grace is nigh;
Wait, till heavenly light appears.
Hark, it is the Bridegroom�s voice:
�Welcome, pilgrim to thy rest!�
Now within the gate rejoice,
Safe, and sealed, and bought, and blest
Safe, from all the lures of vice;
Sealed, by signs the chosen know;
Bought by love, and life the price;
Blest, the mighty debt to owe.
Holy pilgrim, what for thee
In a world like this remain?
From thy guarded breast shall flee
Fear, and shame, and doubt, and pain;
Fear, the hope of Heav�n shall fly;
Shame, from glory�s view retire;
Doubt, in certain rapture die;
Pain, in endless bliss expire.
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