Peaceful the Wondrous night
Peaceful the wondrous night,
Peaceful and holy,
Under the silv�ry light,
Gleaming afar.
Faithfully watching there,
Shepherds so lowly,
Over the hills so fair,
Saw glory�s star.
Hail to the starry night,
Sparkling with glory;
Angels on wings of light,
Thronging the sky.
Hail to that starry night!
Wondrous its story:
Jesus the Prince of Light,
Came from above.
Come with that shepherd band,
Come to the manger;
Join in the chorus grand,
Glory to God!
Worship the holy Child,
Wonderful Stranger,
Give to the Undefiled,
Glory and laud.
Sweet favor, thus to bow,
Love�s treasure bringing,
Gratefully yielding now,
Life�s joyful praise.
Hear from the heav�nly height,
Glad echoes ringing,
Blessing and pow�r and might,
Through endless days.
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