Paul the Preacher
Paul the preacher, Paul the poet,
Fearless fighter for the truth,
Mystic, pioneer, and prophet,
Builder of the Church's youth;
Foremost of Gamaliel's pupils,
Pharisee of Christian fame,
Great apostle of the Gentiles,
We as Gentiles bless thy name.
Loyal Jew, yet born a Roman,
Citizen, yet slave of Christ,
Wealth, position, kindred, freedom,
To thy Lord were sacrificed.
Still to-day we need thy teaching,
Stern yet loving, hard yet true:
Only those who share his Passion
Can their lives in Christ renew.
Paul the fiery, Paul the saintly,
Worship with us at thy feast;
May our love to Christ be strengthened,
And our faith through thee increased;
Till, when faith no more is needed,
There where faith and sight are one,
We in heaven shall praise the Father
In the Spirit through the Son.
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