Patriots Prayer
God of our sires that joyful sang,
While forest shades triumphant rang,
When on the wild New England shore,
Their sails were furled, their voyage o�er.
O Lord, defend Thy children yet,
Nor let our hearts Thy Name forget;
O Lord, defend Thy children yet,
Nor let our hearts Thy Name forget.
God of the brave that sought Thy aid,
And in Thy robe of strength arrayed,
They won for us beneath Thy care,
The flag we prize, the peace we share,
O Lord, defend our nation yet,
Nor let our hearts Thy Name forget;
O Lord, defend our nation yet,
Nor let our hearts Thy Name forget.
And when the call to arms again
Was heard afar o�er hill and plain,
Thy mighty hand upheld the right,
Thy love restored Thy banner bright,
O Lord, defend our nation yet,
Nor let our hearts Thy Name forget;
O Lord, defend our nation yet,
Nor let our hearts Thy Name forget.
God of our land, Thy gift so free,
O hear the prayer we breathe to Thee;
Let union�s bond our souls entwine,
And guard alike the palm and pine.
O Lord, defend our nation yet,
Nor let our hearts Thy Name forget;
O Lord, defend our nation yet,
Nor let our hearts Thy Name forget.
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