Patiently Waiting
Long have they waited in the dark heathen lands
For the pure living water from the dear Savior�s hands;
Still they are waiting for the gospel to come,
Let us hasten to tell them of our heavenly home.
Hark! hear them calling from every dark land,
Who will obey the dear Savior�s command?
Go with the gospel, the rough billows brave,
And lead them to Jesus who only can save.
Long have they waited for the pure living word,
Since the gospel of heaven was proclaimed by the Lord;
�Teach every nation,� was the hasty command,
Yet we have not enlightened every dark heathen land.
Patiently waiting for the heavenly light,
Precious souls still are sleeping in a dark, sinful night;
Pity them, brother, oh, how great is their need!
They have no one to teach them, and no Bible to read.
Long have they waited, nearly two thousand years,
Still we leave them in darkness and in dread sinful fears;
Where is the worker who will leave friends and home,
To deliver poor heathens from the wrath that�s to come?
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