O holy Savior, Friend unseen,
The faint, the weak on Thee may lean,
Help me, throughout life�s varying
By faith to cling to Thee.
with this fellowship divine,
Take what Thou wilt, I�ll ne�er repine;
E�en as the branches to the vine,
My soul would cling to Thee.
Far from her home, fatigued,
Here she has found her place of rest
An exile still, yet not unblest,
While she can cling to Thee.
What though the world deceitful
And earthly friends and joys remove,
With patient, uncomplaining love
Still would I cling to Thee.
Though faith and hope may long be
I ask not, need not aught beside;
How safe, how calm, how satisfied,
The souls that cling to Thee!
Blessed is my lot, whate�er befall;
What can disturb me, who appall,
While as my Strength, my Rock, my All,
All, Savior, I cling to Thee!