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O God, Thou hast rejected us

O God, Thou hast rejected us,
And hast afflicted sore;
Thou hast been angry, but in grace
O once again restore.

Lo, Thou hast torn and rent our land,
Thy judgments dread appall;
O heal her shattered strength before
She totter to her fall.

Through ways of trial and distress
Thy people Thou hast led,
A bitter cup Thou givest us
Of misery and dread.

A glorious banner Thou has giv�n
To those who fear Thy Name,
A banner to display abroad,
And thus the truth proclaim.

That Thy belov�d may be saved
And from their foes set free,
Help with the might of Thy right hand,
In mercy answer me.

God in His holiness has said:
I will triumphant be,
All heathen lands I claim as Mine,
And they shall bow to Me.

Now, therefore, who will lead us on
Sin�s strongholds to possess?
No longer cast us off, O God,
But give our hosts success.

Give Thou Thy help against the foe,
For help of man is vain;
Through God we shall do valiantly,
The victory He shall gain.

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