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O God, our strength to Thee our song

O God, our strength, to Thee our song
With grateful hearts we raise;
To Thee, and Thee alone, belong
All worship, love and praise.

In trouble�s dark and stormy hour
Thine ear hath heard our prayer;
And graciously Thine arm of power
Hath saved us from despair.

And Thou, O ever gracious Lord,
Wilt keep Thy promise still,
If, meekly hearkening to Thy Word,
We seek to do Thy will.

Led by the light Thy grace imparts,
Ne�er may we bow the knee
To idols, which our wayward hearts
Set up instead of Thee.

So shall Thy choicest gifts, O Lord,
Thy faithful people bless;
For them shall earth its stores afford,
And Heav�n its happiness.

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