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O for that flame of living fire

O for that flame of living fire,
Which shone so bright in saints of old!
Which bade their souls to Heav�n aspire,
Calm in distress, in danger bold.

Where is that Spirit, Lord, which dwelt
In Abraham�s breast, and sealed him Thine?
Which made Paul�s heart with sorrow melt,
And glow with energy divine?

That Spirit which, from age to age,
Proclaimed Thy love, and taught Thy ways?
Brightened Isaiah�s vivid page,
And breathed into David�s hallowed lays?

Is not Thy grace as mighty now
As when Elijah felt its power;
When glory beamed from Moses� brow,
Or Job endured the trying hour?

Remember, Lord, the ancient days;
Renew Thy work; thy grace restore;
Warm our cold hearts to prayer and praise,
And teach us how to love Thee more.

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