O Father, in Whose great design
Our human love is made divine,
Teach us to give our love to those
By sin beset and all its woes;
On Thee for them to cast our care,
By fasting and by lowly prayer.
Lord Jesu,
grant us eyes to see
In our poor brethren Thine and Thee�
To give ourselves where others need;
Where others sin to intercede;
And thus, by fasting and by prayer,
Our brethren�s burden seek to bear.
O Spirit, by Whose grace alone
The many members are made one
O warm our hearts, inspire our will,
That we Thy purpose may fulfill;
And thus, by fasting and by prayer,
Through Thee �the glorious Church� prepare.
O God, all-loving Three in One
Whom we shall see beyond the sun;
Where walk in white the blood-bought throng,
Where soars to Thee the sweet new song,
Grant that we find the brethren there
We sought by fasting and by prayer.