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O faith of England

O faith of England, taught of old
by faithful shepherds of the fold,
the hallowing of our nation;
thou wast many a wealthy year,
through many a darkened day of fear
the rock of our salvation.
Arise, arise, good Christian men,
your glorious standard raise again,
the cross of Christ who calls you;
who bids you live and bids you die
for his great cause and stands on high
to witness what befalls you.

Our fathers heard the trumpet call
through lowly cot and kingly hall
from oversea resounding;
they bowed their stubborn wills to learn
the truths that live, the thoughts that burn,
with new resolve abounding.
Arise, arise, good Christian men,
your glorious standard raise again,
the cross of Christ who guides you;
whose arm is bared to join the fray,
who marshals you in stern array,
fearless, whate'er betides you.

Our fathers held the faith received,
by saints declared, by saints believed,
by saints in death defended;
through pain of doubt and bitterness,
through pain of treason and distress,
they for the right contended.
Arise, arise, good Christian men,
your glorious standard raise again,
the cross of Christ who bought you;
who leads you forth in this new age
with long-enduring hearts to wage
the warfare he has taught you.

Though frequent be the loud alarms,
though still we march by ambushed arms
of death and hell surrounded,
with Christ for Chief we have no foe,
nor force nor craft can overthrow
the Church that he has founded.
Arise, arise, good Christian men,
your glorious standard raise again,
the cross wherewith he signed you;
the King himself shall lead you on,
shall watch you till the strife be done,
then near his throne shall find you.


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