Sinner, how thy heart is troubled,
God is coming very near;
Do not hide thy deep emotion,
Do not check that falling tear.
O be saved, His grace is free;
O be saved, He died for thee;
O be saved, He died for thee.
Jesus now is bending o�er thee,
Jesus lowly, meek and mild;
To the Friend Who died to save thee,
Canst thou not be reconciled?
Art thou waiting till the morrow?
Thou may�st never see its light;
Come at once�accept His mercy,
He is waiting�come tonight.
With a lowly, contrite spirit,
Kneeling at the Savior�s feet;
Thou canst feel this very moment,
Pardon�precious, pure and sweet.
Let the angels bear the tidings,
Upward to the courts of Heav�n;
Let them sing, with holy rapture,
O�er another soul forgiv�n.