My Sorrows like a flood
1. My sorrows like a flood
Impatient of restraint
Into thy bosom, O my God,
Pour out a long complaint
2. This impious heart of mine
Could once defy the Lord,
Rush with violence on to sin
In presence of thy word
3. How often have I stood
A rebel to the skies
And yet, and yet, O matchless grace,
Thy thunder lies!
4. O'ercome by matchless love,
Here at thy cross I lie,
And throw my flesh, my soul, my all,
And weep, and love, and cry.
5. "Rise," says the Savior, "Rise,
Behold my wounded veins;
Here flows a sacred crimson flood,
To wash away thy stains."
6. See, Justice satisfied!
Behold God's smiling face!
Let joyful cherubs clap their wings,
And sound aloud his grace.
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