My Song shall bless the Lord of all
My song shall bless the Lord of all,
My praise shall climb to His abode;
Thee, Savior, by that name I call,
The great Supreme, the mighty God.
Without beginning, or decline,
Object of faith, and not of sense;
Eternal ages saw Him shine,
He shines eternal ages hence.
As much, when in the manger laid,
Almighty Ruler of the sky;
As when the six days� works He made,
Filled all the morning-stars with joy.
Of all the crowns Jehovah bears,
Salvation is His dearest claim;
That gracious sound well-pleased He hears,
And owns Emmanuel for His name.
A cheerful confidence I feel,
My well-placed hopes with joy I see;
My bosom glows with heav�nly zeal
To worship Him Who died for me.
As man, He pities my complaint,
His pow�r and truth are all divine;
He will not fail, He cannot faint,
Salvation�s sure, and must be mine.
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