My Shepherd
Jesus is my Shepherd, nothing shall I need;
In the green, sweet pastures He doth ever lead,
And beside the waters, crystal, pure, and still,
Yea, to overflowing He my cup doth fill.
Jesus is my Shepherd, He supplies my needs,
In the shining pathway, tenderly He leads;
He protects and shelters in His peaceful fold,
From the many dangers, from the storm and cold.
He doth always lead me in the narrow way,
And my soul restoreth if I go astray;
Though through death�s dark valley I must shortly go,
In His blessed presence I will fear no foe.
He will ever bless me, all my needs supply;
Yea, with richest favors He will satisfy;
In a shining mansion, fitted up for me,
I will live with Jesus through eternity.
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