My Hope, my all
My hope, my all, my Savior Thou,
To Thee, lo, now my soul I bow!
I feel the bliss Thy wounds impart,
I find Thee, Savior, in my heart.
Be Thou my strength, be Thou my way;
Protect me through my life�s short day:
In all my acts may wisdom guide,
And keep me, Savior, near Thy side.
Correct, reprove and comfort me,
As I have need my Savior be;
And if I would from Thee depart,
Then clasp me, Savior, to Thy heart.
In fierce temptation�s darkest hour,
Save me from sin and Satan�s power;
Tear every idol from Thy throne,
And reign, my Savior, reign alone.
My suffering time shall soon be o�er;
Then shall I sigh and weep no more;
My ransomed soul shall soar away,
To sing Thy praise in endless day.
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