My Gracious Redeemer I Love
1. My Gracious Redeemer I Love,
His praises aloud I'll proclaim,
And join with the armies above,
To shout His adorable name;
To gaze on His glories divine
Shall be my eternal employ,
And feel them incessantly shine,
My boundless, ineffable joy.
2. He freely redeemed with His blood
My soul from the confines of hell,
To live on the smiles of my God,
And in His sweet presence to dwell;
To shine with the angels of light,
With saints and with seraphs to sing;
To view with eternal delight
My Jesus, my Savior, my King.
3. O when shall my spirit exchange
This cell of corruptible clay
For mansions celestial, and range
Through realms of ineffable day?
Oh, when wilt thou bid me ascend,
To join in thy praises above,
To gaze on thee, world without end,
And feast on thy ravishing love?
4. Nor sorrow, nor sickness, nor pain,
Nor sin, nor temptation, nor fear,
Shall ever molest me again
Perfection of glory reigns there
This soul and this body shall shine
In robes of salvation and praise,
And banquet on pleasures divine,
Where God His full beauty displays.
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