My God, my Father, make me strong
My God, my Father, make me strong,
When tasks of life seem hard and long,
To greet them with this triumph song,
Thy will be done.
Draw from my timid eyes the veil,
To show, where earthly forces fail,
Thy power and love must still prevail,
Thy will be done.
With confident and humble mind,
Freedom in service I would find,
Praying through every toil assigned,
Thy will be done.
Things deemed impossible I dare;
Thine is the call and Thine the care;
Thy wisdom shall the way prepare;
Thy will be done.
Heaven�s music chimes the glad days in;
Hope soars beyond death, pain and sin;
Faith shouts in triumph, �Love must win�;
Thy will be done.
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