Move Satan
I've, I've got something to tell that old
Low down, back slidin', joy robbin' demonic disgrace
I'm gonna tell Him to move on outta my face
Move Satan, move on out of my way
Move Satan, move on out of my way
I said get ye behind me Satan, move on out of my way
Move on out of my way (move, move, move) so I can pray
Old man Joel, he was a prayin' man (look now, hallelujah, look now, hallelujah)
He became afflicted, oppressed by Satan's hand (look now, hallelujah, look now,
He tried Joel, destroyed his children, too (look now, hallelujah, look now,
If you have faith in Him, he'll make a way for you (look now, hallelujah, look
now, hallelujah)
Repeat Chorus
Now when you're discouraged, when your friends are through
When you're in trouble, don't know what to do
Call on Jesus, anytime, anywhere
He will bear your burden, He will be right there
Repeat Chorus
Move Satan, move on out of my way
Move Satan, move on out of my way
I said get ye behind me Satan, move on out of my way
Move on out of my way (move, move, move)
Nobody can stop me, you better keep movin' (move on out of my way, move on out
of my way))
I'm gonna make you get on out of my face (move on out of my way)
You know you better get on out of my way (move on out of my way)
I'm talking to you, so that I can pray |
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