Mighty to Save
I have a Redeemer Who saves me from sin;
Now He�s abiding forever within,
His life for my ransom so freely He gave�
�Tis Jesus my Savior, mighty to save.
Mighty to save! He�s mighty to save,
Yes! Jesus my Savior is mighty to save!
Sin�s old allurements no longer I crave;
Jesus allures me, mighty to save.
I have a Redeemer to pilot me o�er
Life�s angry billows to Heaven�s fair shore;
I know He will keep me, tho� wild be the wave�
�Tis Jesus my Savior, mighty to save.
I have a Redeemer, so watchful is He,
Walking beside me, my terrors all flee;
He guards me in danger, and bids me be brave�
�Tis Jesus my Savior, mighty to save.
I have a Redeemer, I know He is mine,
Proving His presence by power divine;
I surely can trust Him to conquer the grave�
This Jesus my Savior, mighty to save.
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