Mighty to Save
Joyful news to all mankind,
Jesus is mighty to save;
All who seek shall surely find
Jesus is mighty to save.
Sinners may relinquish wrong,
Faltering hearts may now be strong;
Sound the tidings right along,
Jesus is mighty, is mighty to save.
Jesus is mighty to save,
Jesus is mighty to save;
From the uttermost, to the uttermost,
Mighty to save!
Though as scarlet be the stains,
Jesus is mighty to save;
Though as steel the binding chains,
Jesus is mighty to save.
His the glorious sacrifice;
His the blood which paid the price;
His the love doth now entice;
Jesus is mighty, is mighty to save.
Fearful soul, discard thy fears,
Jesus is mighty to save;
Seeker, haste to dry thy tears,
Jesus is mighty to save.
With assurance seek His face,
Doubt no more His love and grace,
Give Him now His rightful place,
Jesus is mighty, is mighty to save.
Since His blood for thee was shed,
Jesus is mighty to save;
Since He lives Who once was dead,
Jesus is mighty to save.
While in conflict we engage,
When the storms around shall rage,
All our earthly pilgrimage,
Jesus is mighty, is mighty to save.
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