Mighty God, come build Your mighty church
Mighty God, come build Your mighty Church upon Your mighty Word!
In the ears of an astounded world, make all Your Wisdom heard!
Let Your apostolic teaching forge in us a bond of awe,
As Your people come together, seeing more than Moses saw:
Not in cloud, or fiery pillar, come now to make us one,
But in Word made flesh come show Yourself, through Your Eternal Son!
As we praise Your name together and worship all You are,
By the broken bread of Your own flesh, come heal our every scar!
In a life-transforming wonder, enter to show forth Your name.
Come engrave on our new hearts this Love that You proclaim.
Work a miracle of fellowship among us as we pray,
Open up our hearts to meet the needs we lift to You today.
With great gladness and sincerity we praise our God and King,
Seeing in our trials and triumphs His hand in everything.
And whether this world hates us or whether it may smile,
We will trust a sovereign mercy to be working all the while
To augment the glorious choir that sings in realms of endless day
Of amazing and unbounded love that never fades away.
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