Marching on in the light of God
Marching on in the light of God,
Marching on, I am marching on;
Up the path that the Master trod,
Marching, marching on.
A robe of white, a crown of gold,
A harp, a home, a mansion fair,
A victor�s palm, a joy untold,
Are mine when I get there.
Marching on through the hosts of sin,
Marching on I am marching on;
Vict�ry�s mine while I�ve Christ within,
Marching, marching on.
Marching on while the skeptics sneer,
Marching on, I am marching on;
Perfect love casteth out all fear,
Marching, marching on.
Marching on with the flag unfurled,
Marching on, I am marching on;
Preaching Christ to the dying world,
Marching, marching on.
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