Make Somebody Happy Today
If your own sorrows you want to forget,
Make somebody happy today;
If in your heart you would know no regret,
Make somebody happy today.
Others near by you may be in despair,
Struggling �neath crosses so heavy to bear;
They may take heart, if you show that you care�
Make somebody happy today.
Make somebody happy today.
O sing a glad song on your way;
The good that you do brings blessing to you,
Make somebody happy today.
If you seek pleasure no trouble can mar,
Make somebody happy today;
You�ll find it waiting you, right where you are,
Make somebody happy today.
Is your life darkened by hopes that were vain?
Go help another his goal to attain!
What you have lost, by your help he may gain�
Make somebody happy today.
Do not complain that you�ve nothing to give,
Make somebody happy today;
Do your whole duty, and preach as you live,
Make somebody happy today.
Though you have only a smile, or a flower,
Give it, and speak of His love, of His power;
You may cheer many a pain-weary hour�
Make somebody happy today.
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